The Russian Empire Time
The gun powder cellar of the last quarter of the 18th century,
a part of fortification system by the order of Catherine II, the Russian Empress
Keywords | Märksõnad |
in the first half of the 18th c. Tartu was a small poor city, mostly wooden one-story houses population - ab. 4000 in the second half of the century: Tartu became a fortified city, the was established1772 - Raadi established by the decree of the Empress Catherine I of Russia1775 - Great Fire in Tartu, later the was built, more luxurious stone buildings to the Town Hall square and better streets were constructed
1789 - the construction of the present
18. sajandi I poolel Tartu väike ja armetu linn, enamasti puust ühekordsed majad, elanikke u 4000 sajandi II poolel sai Tartust kindlustatud linn. Uuendati Toomemäe bastioneid, rajati püssirohukelder 1772 rajati Katariina II käsul Raadi kalmistu 1775.a. hiidtulekahju järel rajati Kivisild, õgvendati tänava-võrku, püstitati esinduslikud kivihooned Raekoja platsile 1789 valmib lõplikult raekoda |