The First Half of the 19th Century


The main building of the University of Tartu, aquatinta by A.M. Hagen in 1827/28

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April, 1802 - of the Tartu University with 10 professors and 19 students

the Dome hill turned into an English style park; the Angel's bridge built

Johann Wilhelm Krause, the University architect
( , the old Anatomical Theatre, the old Observatory, the old library in the )

Professors` Institute and Nikolai Pirogov

Estonians at the University: K.J. Peterson,
Fr. R. Kreutzwald, Fr. R. Faehlmann

" at the university: heavy beer drinking, duels, fights with citizens, , student lock-up, corporations, nights

the peak of the social life:
on 7...28 January

Kaubahoov trade center built in 1816-1819

1843 - the first on the Emajõgi river to go from Tartu to Narva

Aprill 1802 TÜ taasavamine. 19 tudengit, 10 professorit

Toomemäest saab inglise stiilis park; ehitatakse Inglisild

J. W. Krause: Ülikooli arhitekt (Peahoone, Vana Anatoomikum, Tähetorn, Raamatukogu)

Professorite Instituut ja N. Pirogov

eestlased ülikoolis: Peterson, Kreutzwald, Faehlmann

tudengielu: „kuldne noorus", õlleõhtud, duellid, väljasõidud Tartu ümbruse kõrtsidesse, kaklused linnakodanikega, kartser; korporatsioonid; Volbriöö

seltsielu kõrgperiood - aastalaat (7-28. jaanuar)

Kaubahoov (ehitati 1816-19)

1843 - esimene aurulaev Emajõel, sõideti Tartust Narva