Estonian Republic in the 1930s

Swimming facilities on the bank of the Emajõgi river

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Keywords Märksõnad

the in 1938

the new of the town built - Tähtvere

Arnold Matteus as a town architect: the Emajõgi area, new business buildings, e.g. present Educational Ministery

the role of Mayor Aleksander Tõnisson: grooming concepts for the city, construction of the , public parks

the new by architect Voldemar Tippel in 1937

famous cafes: Werner, Ateen, Ko-Ko-Ko

Oskar Luts, the writer

1938 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia

1930-tel Tähtvere

Arnold Matteus Tartu linnaarhitektina (väliujula, Vabaduse pst park, tänane haridusministeeriumi hoone jne)

linnapea Aleksander Tõnisson (linna heakord, haljasalad, Emajõe kallaste kindlustamine)

Voldemar Tippel ja turuhoone 1937

kuulsad kohvikud: Verner, Ateen ja Ko-Ko-Ko

Oskar Luts